Resources The Savera UK Learning Hub provides you with resources about ‘honour’-based abuse (HBA) and harmful practices and how to put an end to them. AllFactsheetsLeafletsPublicationsVideosIllustrationsEducation ToolsResearchTopicAll'Honour'-Based Abuse (HBA)Conversion TherapyFemale Genital Mutilation (FGM)Forced/Child MarriageHarmful PracticesLGBTQ+Survivor StoriesHBA and Harmful Practices Happen Here: A Toolkit for Responding as a Frontline Professional ‘Honour’ and Its Upholders: Perpetrator Types in ‘Honour’-Based Abuse HBA in the LGBTQ+ Community Leaflet Conversion ‘Therapy’ Factsheet Breast Ironing / Flattening Factsheet FGM Educational Illustrations HBA & Harmful Practices Media Guidelines HBA and Harmful Practices Education Pack Orange The World Toolkit The Challenge Daily Magazine FGM Service Information New Beginnings Video Orange Brick Road Video One Chance Rule Leaflet Virginity Testing / Hymenoplasty Factsheet Harmful Practices Factsheet Forced Marriage Factsheet ‘Honour’-Based Abuse (HBA) Factsheet ‘Honour’-based abuse: A descriptive study of survivor, perpetrator, and abuse characteristics One Chance Rule Video Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Factsheet Create New Beginnings Donate to Savera UK Savera is the Hindi word for ‘new beginning’. Will you help our clients find their ‘savera’? Find out how your contribution helps. More Info